Our focus on each individual with a special level of care and consideration provides a first class physiotherapy service that is above and beyond your expectations.

How we treat?

Advice and education

Because self management is so important !

Joint and spinal mobilisation and manipulation

To restore movement and reduce discomfort

Soft tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy.

This can help reduce any scaring and swelling in the soft tissues, reducing discomfort (increased pressure in the area can really hurt and making sure the soft tissues heal optimally.

Movement patterning advice

What you do in the other 23 hours of the day that we're not seeing you will have a huge impact on your problems. We'll make sure you're not doing activities that are going to irritate and further aggravate your problem - whether it's advising you on the best way of getting in and out of a chair, a car or altering your walking pattern.

Correcting muscle imbalances

This relates to faulty movement patterning. It's really important that you use of all your muscles appropriately , we spend time assessing that, then give you a home exercise programme that addresses any problems with weakness or tightness in the muscles.


Electrotherapy may be used to speed up the inflammatory process to promote healing. It's particularly useful in the acute stage of an injury. We use the following in our practice:

  • Laser
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Interferential therapy
  • TENs and electrical muscle stimulation/li>
  • EMG biofeedback
  • Mechanical Traction
  • Continuous Passive Motion